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Quick Ortho

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OrthoLoneStar (OLS) recently launched Quick Ortho, a digital triage platform that gives Texas employers and their employees quick and easy access to Orthopedic healthcare professionals for musculoskeletal concerns. This platform is specifically targeted to large-scale Texas employers as an added benefit to their workforce, however, any size Texas employer is eligible to participate.

How does Quick Ortho work?

The concept behind Quick Ortho is to offer immediate and priority access to Orthopedic care when it is needed most. For employees utilizing the platform, the process happens in three straightforward steps:

  • Connect – As a first step, the employee contacts Quick Ortho and has an initial consultation with a dedicated OrthoLoneStar Orthopedic triage nurse via our telehealth platform.
  • Evaluation – During this consultation, the employee undergoes a preliminary assessment to evaluate their condition or injury which will help to determine the urgency, severity and treatment required.
  • Treatment – Finally, after the initial assessment, the OLS triage nurse will help direct the patient to the best treatment resource for their case, whether a freestanding ER, hospital, urgent care, their Primary Care Physician (PCP) or scheduling with an OrthoLoneStar provider in their area.

Quick Ortho patients that are directed to schedule with an OLS provider will immediately receive an email and text message that allows them to select an appointment with a provider of their choosing that specializes in the orthopedic area relevant to their need. Information from their initial assessment will be sent to the provider they select, that way the medical team has everything they need to begin to establish a plan of care in the patient’s first appointment.

How to participate

OrthoLoneStar is currently working with Texas businesses who realize the benefit of directing their employees to a quick and convenient telehealth platform administered by our trusted team of Orthopedic professionals. Because the service is internal to our practices, our triage nurse has access to our providers and their schedules when partner employees need immediate attention. We have dedicated Quick Ortho patient slots specifically for this purpose.

Musculoskeletal issues and needs account for a significant portion of national healthcare spend, Quick Ortho enables Texas employers to feel confident their employees are receiving the attention and care that they need to address these issues quickly and effectively. To learn more about the benefits of Quick Ortho, contact us by email at quickortho@ortholonestar.com